How do the CEMARIE Plates Cleanse Your Crystals and Amulets?
If you’ve made your way onto my website, I'm going to go ahead and say you've probably heard of smudging or cleansing before. It’s important to routinely cleanse your crystals, jewelry, amulets, talismans and sacred tools to keep them clear and ready to fulfill their purpose. I personally never resonated with sage and as you know, if you don’t FEEL it , it won’t work. Palo Santo is beautiful, but doesn’t quite get the funk out of my tools the way I need it to and both are being mistreated by the collective anyway. Because of that, I’ve always been in need of an alternative route for cleansing my gems and amulets. I’ve always felt more called to cleansing my sacred items with sound bowls , water and Reiki. Because of this I decided to make the CEMARIE dishes. They are all made with full moon water, infused with Reiki and given a sound healing throughout the process. The Moon water amplifies the power of cleansing, the Reiki clears out blockages and negativity, all while the sound healing brings back the sweetness. Whenever you’re cleansing you want to make sure you don’t leave a void and that’s why it’s important to bring back in a high vibration of love after the cleanse. The CEMARIE dish does both at the same time.
Simply place your pieces on the dish and let them charge overnight or until you feel called to take them off. It’s a great smokeless option that also looks beautiful in your space.